Dalton Prescott
The flint to the steel
CEO / Developer / Visionary
He's the pedal to the metal, the lever to the fulcrum. Dalton keeps the team on track, on task and continuously pushes us in the right direction. As the helm of the ship, Dalton has to juggle both heavy development work as well as the leadership that comes with being a CEO. He's the recipient of the WWDC APPLE Scholarship, he started his first company in secondary 2. Dalton's strength lies in his ability in leadership and technical knowledge, that lets him lead Master while ensuring effective communication among the whole team.
(excerpt) " Everyone has the potential to innovate change...Don't aim for the stars, aim for what lies beyond the observable universe, because trying to reach what we already know is boring. Aiming for beyond, now that is anticipating. "
To the travelers ( Dalton Prescott )
"Success is a unique little thing. Some base it around birthright, some base it around inheritance, some base it around luck. True success is based only on one thing, the unwavering belief in your own ability to propagate change. It was never about reaching the light at the end of the tunnel but mapping it for the fellow human. We all stand on the shoulders of giants, and every human should join the ranks of travelers. The Pioneers. The innovators. The little boy that looks through a telescope at the stars. The little girl that looks a leaf through a microscope. Everyone has the potential to innovate change. Invest in yourself, even if all you have is a pocket full of coins. The next coffee you buy could lead you to meet a potential business partner. Don't aim for the stars, aim for what lies beyond the observable universe, because trying to reach what we already know is boring. Aiming for beyond, now that is anticipating. "